de brincar e praticar vocabulário
aula do Programa de Inglês, os alunos do 2º ano do Ensino Fundamental I,
tiveram que recontar uma história contada pela Professora Alessandra Almeida
utilizando o Lego. A história trabalhava friendship, pastime activities e as
estruturas can/can't, like/dislike, com objetivo de praticar o vocabulário
relativo a atividades de lazer, habilidades e preferências.
Day – Friendship and Pastime Activities
day to play and practice vocabulary
In the English Program Class,
the students of 2nd Grade, Fundamental I, had to retell a story told by the
teacher, Alessandra Almeida, using LEGO. The story was about friendship,
pastime activities and the structures can/can't, like/dislike, with the aim of
practice vocabulary related to leisure activities, abilities and preferences.
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